
Trek America - Life on Trek

May 13, 2020 / BY Chloe
"On the road again, Going places that I've never been, Seeing things that I may never see again and I can't wait to get on the road again" Wondering what life on trek is all about and what happens during your time away with Trek America? In this post I'll be giving you an insight on what goes on whether it's a short time away or a longer length trip that you have chosen. My...

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Trek America - Activities Part 3

March 06, 2020 / BY Chloe
"I want to make memories all over the world."  Following on from my last post, Activities Part 2 - Here   This is part 3 of the activities I got up to whilst away with Trek America.  Los Angeles  We had a free day whilst in LA so we all decided to do our different things. Me, Courtney, Dean and Jemma had booked to visit Universal Studios Hollywood. We had already booked our tickets online...

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Trek America - Activities Part 2

February 24, 2020 / BY Chloe
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did."  Following on from my last post, Activities Part 1 - Here This is part 2 of the activities I got up to whilst away with Trek America. Austin  Things to do in Austin, we spent 2 nights here and on our first night we experienced Rainey Street and 6th Street, we had a great...

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Trek America - Activities Part 1

February 16, 2020 / BY Chloe
" In the end we only regret the chances we didn't take"  If you have been reading my previous posts about you Trek America trip back in 2019 you will have read about everything that I got up to on my American Adventure. I wanted to do a separate post going into more detail about what was included in the trip and the optional activities I chose do. Again I did mention previously that the...

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