Things You Should Know When Painting Your Nails

by - October 13, 2015

1. Always use a base coat! This gives your polish something to adhere to making it last a little longer. A base coat also helps to prevent the coloured polish from staining your nail plate especially colours such as red, yellow and black.

2. Apply thin coats of polish. When painting your nails always apply thin coats for example 3 thin layers of polish instead of 2 thick, gloopy layers, if you do this the thin layers are more likely to dry faster than the thick layers.

3. Always use a top coat! When applying this make sure to swipe over the tip of your nail to seal the polish in place. Using a top coat will help to make the polish last longer and prevent chipping of product.

4. Use non acetone nail polish remover. Non acetone polish remover isn't as drying on the nails.

5. Never shake your nail polish bottle. Roll it back and fourth in your hands holding the bottle upright. This ensures that there are no air bubbles in the bottle

6. Thin out thick/gloopy nail polish with thinner. Got an old nail polish? Or a polish that has just got thick all you need to do is buy a nail polish thinner and add a few drops into the bottle.

7. Store polishes in a cool, dry place. Keep all of your polish upright and in a cool, dry and dark place to help the formula last longer. Heat and sunlight can alter the thickness and colour.

8. Hold your hands under cold water. Yes doing this helps! Once you have finished applying your polish to your nails hold your hands under cold water to help them dry faster!

9. Repurpose an old lip brush or nail art brush. Whenever we paint our nails we always get the polish on the skin surrounding the nail so why not use and old lip brush or a nail art brush to remove the traces of polish, just by simply popping it into some nail polish remover and clean up the edges and voilà all done.

10. Allow drying time! Make sure you leave enough time to allow you nails to dry! You don't want to go to all that trouble of painting your nails all lovely and done nail art etc to then go and smudge them! Nightmare.

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  1. Thanks for this post I never apply a base coat and my nails went yellow went I make down...

  2. great post, I'm so bad with my nails so this is really useful X


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    Camille xo
