Nails #4 - Mermaid Inspiration

by - May 03, 2015


Here we have my Mermaid style nails that i created on myself. I am in love with this theme! 

Heres how i created this look: 

To start of with i made sure all of my nails were prepped correctly by this i mean buffed lightly, cuticles pushed back and cut if nessecery and then using a lint free wipe i cleasned each nail with scrubfresh. This helps to clean and dehydrate the nail plate to improve adhesion.

As these are nail extensions i first started off by sizing my tips and fileing them to the correct shape i'd like. I then glued on my tips with nail glue and finished off filing any little edges that needed it. 

I chose my 3 glitters that i liked, which was purple, blue and white and then i mixed each one of these with a bit of acrylic powder. 

I started off by applying the purple glitter acrylic in zone 3 (above the cuticle area), then the blue glitter in zone 2, then to finish white glitter in zone 1 (the tip). I waited for this to dry and i sealed the whole nail with a thinish layer of clear acrylic. Once all of my nails were dry i filed and buffed them all until the surface was smooth. I then gave my hands a wash to remove any dust. 

On the ring finger and thumb i created scales using a white nail polish and striping brush. Once this has dried i then applied my NSI Glaze n' Go top coat to all nails. 

To decorate my nails i added gold and silver caviar beads, blue rhinestones, gold seashells and a mermaid ( all these can be found on ebay.) I placed these on the nails and cured them under my UV Lamp for 2 minutes. 

Once they had cured i applied a second layer of the Glaze n' Go  making sure i covered all the gems/beads to make sure they are secured well. I then cured them under the UV Lamp again for another 2 minutes.

And that's how i created my Mermaid style nails!  



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