Childhood Memories!

by - January 23, 2015

I was born in 1994 and I have alot of memories from my childhood starting with growing up in the 90s and all the way through primary school etc. I would like to share with you my childhood memories of the toys that i played with, which im sure every girl of the 90s would have had the same, and also tv programmes and music i watched and listened to

Shall we start? 

Well let's start of with Furbys. I remember having a grey and white one of these and it wouldn't shut up haha! And the annoying little creatures are back on the shelves. 

I loved watching Sabrina The Teenage Witch as a child and i secretly wished i had magic powers just like her. Then came out the Sabrina's Secrets magazine! I collected everyone of these magazines and you recived a gift in each magazine. You recived a beauty box and collected different items such as nail polish, lip gloss, body glitter etc.

I used to be obsessed with Neopets! Every single IT lessons we had during primary school or free time i think every single one of us used to go on neopets and have contests with each on the games to see who could gain the hightest amount of points. I used to love creating my little neohome for my neopets and collecting different items. 


I'm pretty sure every girl would of had their own hairstyling head! I love putting plaits in the hair or doing ponytails etc then adding beads or butterfly clips in to make it look pretty.


Another one of my favourites was Groovy Chick! I remember having my first ever mobile phone which was a nokia and i had this as my phone cover haha!

And here is a list of other toys/music/tv programmes that i grew up with: 

Gel pens, Tammy girl, Jelly shoes, Art Attack, Polly Pocket, Barbie Dolls, Bratz, Collecing Pokemon cards, Spice Girls, My voice activated diary, My Parents Are Aliens, Mary-Kate and Ashley, S Club 7, Buffy the Vampire Slayer and many more! 

Do you remember if any of these were in your childhood? 

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