Ways To Relax and De Stress

by - January 30, 2016

Everyone has moments in their lives where we all feel stressed whether it is  from situations that occur during our day to day lifestyles or whether it's from our thoughts and feelings, we all need to take time to de stress and relax. 

Here are a few solutions to help you get started!

Slip into something comfortable - For me, changing into something more comfortable like my pyjamas or onesie always helps me to relax more. Although if a pair of jeans and a hoodie is more comfortable for you then that's fine! 

Have a bath - Run yourself a nice hot bath with plenty of bubbles, even add a bath bomb if you like! Pop some candles on and turn out the lights for a more soothing atmosphere. The soft glow of candlelights is so relaxing. 

Pamper yourself - I love a good pamper session! Whether it's going to a beauty salon, a spa day or just simply doing it yourself! Looking after yourself really helps to make you feel better and it's so nice to treat yourself. If you are pampering yourself here are a few ideas of what you can do: 

Treat your feet - We are always on our feet and we kind of forget about our tootsies so why not give them some tlc. Start by soaking your feet in a bowl/foot spa/ or even the bath! Exfoliate and use a rasp to get rid of any unwanted dry skin then pop some foot cream on and slip on some moisturising socks to lock in the moisture. 

Apply a face mask - Face masks really help to look after your skin and you can find a suitable mask for your skin type and characteristics. 

Exfoliate - Get red of the those dead skin cells for softer skin! 

Paint your nails - Add a bit of colour into your life. I always feel much better when my nails are done. 

Reading - Get rid of your worries by curling up on the sofa with a book. It will give your brain a rest from thinking about work/your thoughts. Also it might help you to sleep at night if you read a bit before you go to bed. Or you could even read some of your favourite blogs! 

Watch something - Have a movie day/night. Get comfy on the sofa or in bed and watch your favourite films or catch up on some of your favourite programmes.

Have a clear out - Ok I know this might be kind of a strange one as you would have thought having a clear out might make the situation more stressful but for me I find that having a tidy out of my wardrobe or sorting through my makeup collection de stresses me and helps to clear my mind knowing that I'm getting rid of unwanted items.

Have a cuppa - Yes, many of our problems can be solved by simply putting the kettle on, make yourself a cup of tea, sit down and enjoy! 

and lastly Turn off your phone and step away from your laptop! 

What are your favourite ways to unwind? 


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