Liebster Award

by - January 22, 2014

Hey everyone!
I have been nominiated twice for the Liebster Award!
I was nominated by:
and by
My questions from Charlotte are:
1. What's your favourite thing about blogging?
My favourite thing about blogging is expressing my feelings and opinions on products/life etc... I also love the fact than you can communicate with fellow bloggers around the world and know the you all have something in common.
2. Who is your icon?

Oohh i'm not quite sure to be honest. I have never really thought about it.

3. If you could have any superpower what would it be?

Oooh thats quite hard. Erm probably to be invisible and then i can nosy on people and listen in on conversations without them knowing i am there haha!

4. What's your dream holiday destination?

Somewhere hot! Haha, well i have loads of dream holiday destinations! I would love to go to Florida again that was my best holiday ever! 

5. If you were lucky enough to win the lottery, what would you do?

SHOPPING SPREEEEEEE! Yes i would go on a shopping spree and spoil my self. Depending on how much money i had won, i would give some to my parents and then some to my close family members. I would buy my self a car and take driving lessons, go on holiday to a country i have always wanted to go on. Go on a cruise and save some to one side for a house. 

6. If you could only use one make up product for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Probably mascara as it opens my eyes up more as i have long lashes.

7. What are your pet hates?

Ignorant/rude people, people who make noises when they are eating, people that chew gum really loudly and with their mouth open. 

8. Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?

Hopefully in a full time job! I would like to be either working in a salon doing beauty or working abroad. 

9. What's your favourite childhood memory?

Either the ones from when i was in nursery when all you did was play out in the sandpit or on the bouncy castle and paint and have fun or in primary school. I wish i could re-live those days! 

10. Who is your celeb crush?

Zac Efron, Taylor Lautner and Tom Parker (The Wanted)

11. If you could go back in time, would you do anything differently?

Yes, i would stand up for myself more, do what i wanted to do and not care what anyone else thinks and be abit more confident! 

My questions from Emma are:
1. Name three people (dead or alive) who you'd like to go out for dinner with and why?

I think i'd have to chose either my 3 celeb crushes from the above questions from charlotte because well they are my celebrity crushes haha! And who'd say no for abit of lunch with Zac Efron eh? 
2. What would you do with your money if you won the lottery?

I answered this is Charlottes questions above :) 
3. What's your favourite beauty/make up product?

My favourite make up product is either the Benefit They're Real Mascara or the Urban Decay Naked and Naked 2 palette, soon it will include the Naked 3 palette once i get my hands on it! 
4. What's the strangest thing you've ever done in the name of beauty?

I don't think i have done anything strange in the name of beauty before. 
5. Have you ever broken a bone? If yes how?

Yes, i fractured my wrist in high school. We was in drama and a girl slide across the floor messing around and to stop herself she grabbed onto my leg causing me to fall down to the floor and to stop my self i put my hands out. 
6. What has been your biggest beauty/make up let down?

The Revlon lip butters 
7. Do you have or would you get a tattoo?

I already have 2! and yes i want another one! 
8. What is your favourite chocolate bar?

Oooh i love dairy milk, galaxy, terry's chocolate orange and milky bar chocolate! i just love chocolate so i don't have a favourite i'll have any as long as it is not dark chocolate! 
9. If you had to leave your house now, what would you take with you?

My puppy, phone, laptop, ipod and my purse. 
10. Which is your favourite time of the year?

Well it would be summer if we had a hot one! but over here in the UK the weather is unpredictable! You literally have to carry and umberella for the 365 days of the year!
11. What was your most treasured toy/game from when you were little?

I love playing with my barbie dolls and bratz dolls haha! I used to have my own barbie jeep and a caravan for them. I loved it! 

Ok girls, now it's your turn!
There are a few rules that you need to follow:

- Mention the person who nominated you with a link in their blog
- Answer the 11 questions provided by the person who nominated you
- Nominate 11 other bloggers with less than 200 followers
- Create a new set of 11 questions for your nominees to answer

1. If you could live anywhere in the world where would you choose and why?
2. What/who inspired you start blogging?
3. What is your favourite quote?
4. If you could meet anyone in the world who would it be?
5. What do you dislike about blogging?
6. What do you want to achieve this year?
7. What is your favourite beauty product?
8. What is the best book that you have read recently?
9. What is your favourite makeup/skincare brand?
10.If you could learn another language what would it be?
11. What is your favourite childhood memory?
Have fun!

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  1. Hey Chloe, I had also nominated you for a Liebster Award, seems like Charlotte and Emma have beat me to it! Don't worry about doing mine again, once is enough. I really enjoyed your blog, keep up the good work :) xx

    1. Aww thank you Cara! it means alot that you enjoy reading my blog :) xx

  2. Great post! I love finding out new blogs from these posts!
    Elephant stories and more
