Benefit High Flyin' Glosses

by - March 22, 2013

When i first started out my blog i made a mini post on these but i decided i wanted to make a full review.

Here's my little story about these:

So, i had been wanting these for a while but the full size versions. Then as i work in BANK at a shopping centre i have to sometimes get the bus when my dad is working shifts and i have to make my way through Debenhams to get to the bus. The weekend where i had to get a bus each time i went into debenhams i saw these little beauties on a stand, but as i was in a rush i wasn't able to buy them. Then the next day when i went buy i quickly glanced at them and saw the price. £19.50 i decided i wouldn't bother getting them. Then as it had been my birthday/christmas i had money and decided that when i go shopping the week after i would buy them. It came to the day of shopping, i walked into debenhams and guess what, they had gone out of stock! great. That always happens to me, i see something i want but don't get it that day then when i go back, it's not there. So now when i see something i have to buy it.

Anyways, When i got home i asked my mum if i could order it online on her card and then give her the money back, so i went on the benefit website and there it was but it was reduced to £13.00! so i set up an account and got ready to order it, to realise they had gone out of stock. I emailed benefit to asked them if they would be re stocking items online and they said that these High Flyin' Glosses were still avaliable and that it was only the US site that they were out of stock on. So i double checked that i was on the UK site which i was and then i refreshed the page throughout the day and still they were out of stock so i decided to email them again and leave it until the next day.

The next i checked it was still out of stock! i was getting annoyed by now as i had an email saying that they were still instock and then i refreshed the page and they were avaliable! I quickly typed out my details and ordered them. The order was successful, i was so pleased i finally managed to get my hands on them. As soon as i had ordered them i went onto the sale page to look at other products and it was out of stock, so i was thinking that they must have been really popular to go out of stock that quickly.

Anyways they arrived about a week later, i was so happy.

When i first opened them i was glad i purchased them for £13.00 as personally i don't think they are worth £19.50 as they are really mini.


The packaging of these are so cute and girly! and i love the individual tubes aswell. I also like how they are the same name to match their blushers/bronzers.
These are so cute, i love how they are mini, so they are great for you to carry around in your handbag/makeup bag.
The lip glosses:
Top Row:
1: Coralista 
2: Dallas 
3: Sugarbomb
Bottom Row:
1: Dandelion
2: Hoola
3: Bella Bamba
I love the shades. They are all sheer expect from Dallas which is the most opaque. Then Hoola, Sugarbomb and Dandelion have abit of shimmer added.  
The shades are are quite natural expect Bella Bamba which is more pinky but it's not as bright as i thoght it would be which is good! So you could wear these shades during the day for a natural look.
If i could change them, i would like them to be abit more opaque and not so sheer.

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