
April Samples

April 30, 2013 / BY Chloe
So as it is the last day of April i thought that tonight's post will be about all of the samples i have recieved this month.  If you have read some of my previous posts you will know that i have signed up to Magic Freebies. This is where i hear about beauty/skincare/other items freebies, where all you have to do is type in your details, fill out a questionnaire etc... and they send off...

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April 28, 2013 / BY Chloe
*****   Recently i recieved a message on twitter from Richard from Skinetica asking if he was able to send me a bottle of Skinetica for me to review. At first i didn't know whether i wanted to review it or not as i only get the odd spot/spots occasionally but i said yes as you never know when one may pop up. Anyways i recieved it within a week or so i think.   Anyways...

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Real Technique Bushes

April 24, 2013 / BY Chloe
Hey everyone! So today's post if going to be my Real Technique brush collection. Since becoming a beauty blogger i have seen endless amounts of posts about these brushes and how great they are and since reading about this i have always wanted them, but i didn't know if the prices were expensive for a brush or a reasonable amount. Anyways i decided to get them and i'm so glad i did. Here are the...

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How To Follow Shimmer Lashes

April 22, 2013 / BY Chloe
Image taken from weheartit and edited by me.   GFC -   You can follow me by GFC which is in my side bar on the right hand side. Although this is going soon.   Bloglovin -   You can follow me on bloglovin by this link - http://www.bloglovin.com/shimmerlashes Or you can click on the "Follow this blog with bloglovin" link which is in my side bar on the left.   She Said Beauty -...

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