So as it is the last day of April i thought that tonight's post will be about all of the samples i have recieved this month. If you have read some of my previous posts you will know that i have signed up to Magic Freebies. This is where i hear about beauty/skincare/other items freebies, where all you have to do is type in your details, fill out a questionnaire etc... and they send off...
***** Recently i recieved a message on twitter from Richard from Skinetica asking if he was able to send me a bottle of Skinetica for me to review. At first i didn't know whether i wanted to review it or not as i only get the odd spot/spots occasionally but i said yes as you never know when one may pop up. Anyways i recieved it within a week or so i think. Anyways...
Hey everyone! So today's post if going to be my Real Technique brush collection. Since becoming a beauty blogger i have seen endless amounts of posts about these brushes and how great they are and since reading about this i have always wanted them, but i didn't know if the prices were expensive for a brush or a reasonable amount. Anyways i decided to get them and i'm so glad i did. Here are the...
Image taken from weheartit and edited by me. GFC - You can follow me by GFC which is in my side bar on the right hand side. Although this is going soon. Bloglovin - You can follow me on bloglovin by this link - Or you can click on the "Follow this blog with bloglovin" link which is in my side bar on the left. She Said Beauty -...
So today's post is going to be about my collection of The Body Shop products.
I love their products! The scents are just gorgeous and i think that the price of the products are worth it.
So here is what is in my collection!
I personally don't think i have alot but i am growing my collection.
Here are the items that i have got in more detail.
Coconut Shimmer Body Lotion - This is no longer avaliable but i'm sure they do this but in a body butter form now which is £13.00, i have had this for ages, i have hardly used it but i think it needs throwing away now. It is such a lovely smell. It reminds me of holidays. This was the only time i used it. I took it on holiday to Turkey with me. This lotion has a shimmer to it so i barely used it over here whereas on holiday i used to apply it every night to my shoulders/chest to give me abit of shimmer, you only need to apply a small handful though otherwise you will be covered in loads of shimmer! haha. I think i may have to pop into The Body Shop and buy this in the body butter form.
Peppermint Cooling Foot Lotion - I bought this in the 250ml for £8.00 but they also sell it for £3.00 for 60ml. As you know most foot products have the peppermint scent and i love this! It smells so minty fresh. I love applying this after i come out of the bath or shower as it just makes my feet feel so refreshed and cool. It leaves my feet feeling lovely and soft. I would definitely recommend this.
Vitamin C Energizing Face Spritz - I haven't tried this product out yet as i have only just purchased this like last week or something. So i can't make an opinion on this yet. You can buy this for £9.00. I bought this in a Vitamin C gift set for £25.00
What it says on the website -
"This portable, handbag size spritz instantly refreshes the skin and enhances radience.
- Instant hydration
- Revives the apperance of dull looking skin
- Handbag friendly"
Vitamin C Microdermabrasion - Again I haven't tried this product out yet as this came in the Vitamin C gift set for £25.00 so i can't make an opinion on this yet. You can buy this for £13.00.
What it says on the website -
"Fine exfoliating micro particles and crushed garnet stones remove dead skin cells to reveal a brighter, more radient complexion.
- Removes dead skin cells
- Leaves skin feeling soft and smooth
- Gives skin a brighter, more radient look
- Improves skin texture and tone"
Vitamin E Cream Cleanser - I haven't tried this product out yet as i have only just purchased this like last week or something. So i can't make an opinion on this yet. You can buy this for £8.00. I bought this in a Vitamin E gift set for £25.00
What it says on the website -
" This light cream cleanser gentley lifts away dirt, make-up and impurities.
- Gently but effectively cleanses
- Softens and conditions
- Leaves skin feeling smooth and supple"
Vitamin E Hydrating Toner - Again I haven't tried this product out yet as this came in the Vitamin E gift set for £25.00 so i can't make an opinion on this yet. You can buy this for £8.00
What it says on the website -
"A hydrating toner that removes traces of cleanser, dirt and make-up without drying the skin, leaving it feeling soft, supple and refreshed. It leaves a velvety feel on the skin."
Vitamin C Skin Reviver - I have only tired this product once as i got this in my Vitamin C gift set for £25.00, so i can't make a proper opinion on this yet. You can buy this for £14.00.
I used this as a primer and then applied my foundation/make-up on top. It made my skin feel silky soft.
What it says on the website -
" This instant radience booster refreshes and smoothes skin and enhances it natural glow.
- Enhances natural radience
- Contains light-reflective particles
- Gives skin a silky-smooth finish
- Can be worn alone or under make-up"
Pink Grapefruit Body Puree - This smells gorgeous! i love the grapefruit scent and after purchasing this i bought a grapefruit bar of soap and the body butter! I must admit this is one of my favourite scents that the body shop do. It leaves my skin feeling really refreshed and smooth.
Vitamin E Moisture Cream - I got this in the Vitamin E gift set for £25.00 but you can buy the 50ml pot for £10.00 I haven't had this for a while but it is one of my favourite moisturisers already! It has a thik creamy consistancy but not thick. It's just right! It leaves my skin feeling lovely and soft.
Vitamin E Nourishing Night Cream - Again I got this in the Vitamin E gift set for £25.00 but you can buy the 50ml pot for £11.00 Again I haven't had this for a while but it is my first night moisturiser i have purchased and it is great! It has a much thicker consistancy than the moisture cream. You don't need to apply alot of this product on your face. I feel that it absorbs into my skin rather quickly and doesn't feel greasy. It leaves my skin feeling lovely and soft in the morning when i wake up. It also has a rarther nice scent too.
Papaya Body Butter - The Body Shop no longer sells this anymore. My dad works at Leeds and Bradford Airport as security supervisor so he works on the part where you get your bags checked/bodys searched and one day he came home with this! All brand new and sealed. This is because the woman he took it off didn't put it in her suitcase as it is over 100ml but she didn't want to throw it away so my dad took it off her and left it to one side until his shift was over and brought it home for me! I had never tried the papaya products so was abit unsure if i was going to like it or not but i did! Again i felt that this reminded me of holidays/suntan lotion. It really makes my skin feel nourished.
Pink Grapefruit Body Butter - Like before i don't really have to go into too much detail as i have already said that i love the smell and it leaves my skin feeling lovely. Go out and buy this now! haha
Pink Grapefruit Lip Butter - Ooooh what a surprise, another pink grapefruit product. You can buy this for £4.00. My only problems with these are as i have long nails it's kind of hard for me to get the product out without getting it all stuck up my nails, but this is with every lip balms/butters that come in these tubs, not just The Body Shop ones!
Chocomania Lip Butter - THIS SMELLS GORGEOUS! Mmmmm... Chocolate. This is one of the main reasons why i bought this. Although once applied i don't really like the taste that i leaves. You can buy this for £4.00
Watermelon Lip Balm - You can buy this for £2.00
Mango Peach Lip Balm - I just love how these lip balms smell like what they say, some of them are so mouthwatering. You can buy this for £2.00
Strawberry Lip Balm - Mmm... this smells so good! You can buy this for £2.00
Satsuma Shimmer - This smells lovely! and i also love how there is shimmer that has been added into the product. Once applied it looks lovely. You can again buy this for £2.00
And that's it for the lip balms!
Ohh i also have 2 more products but my picture won't upload so these are from The Body Shop Website.
Vitamin E Eye Cream - I recieved this in the Vitamin E gift set for £25.00. I have used it a couple of times on the days i haven't worn make up, but i haven't seen much difference around my eye area yet as i have dark circles.
What it says on the product -
" Helps reduce appearance of fine lines, puffiness and dark circles"
You can buy this for £10.00
Vitamin C Eye Reviver Duo - I recieved this in the Vitamin C Gift Set for £25.00. I have used this yet so i can't say my opinion on this just yet.
What the website says -
" A cooling gel for the eyelids and brows and a refreshing cream for under the eyes. Both products work well together for a bight-eyed look.
- Refreshes and revives
- Rollerball application helps reduce puffiness
- Leaves skin looking radient"
And that's everything in my collection so far! I also have a few £10 off when you spend £25 or more vouchers for April and May so i may be popping into my nearest store sometime soon.
Do you have your own collection or have you tried any of these products before?