The Versatile Blogger Award

by - April 15, 2013

I want to thank Haley for nominating me for the versatile blogger award. Everyone should go check out her blog! :)
1. Thank the ones who nominated you and make sure to add their link.
2. List 7 facts about yourself.
3. Choose 15 new bloggers to nominate.
4. Comment on their latest post, telling them you nominated them.
7 Facts About Me

1. I am currently studying beauty therapy then moving onto nail technology and then i'm hoping to do a course within travel and tourism.
2. I love the smell of coffee, but hate the taste.
3. I have scoliosis.
4. I have been abroad 17 times and my 18th time will be this July as i'm going to Florida!
5. I love the bands The Wanted & Lawson. I have met The Wanted 3 times and i have met Lawson 6 times (i think)
6. When i was younger i attended a dance school.
7. I find it hard saving money, i'm always wanting to buy new things!
I'm Nominating...

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  1. Thank you for nominating me! x

  2. We have quite a lot in common :) I study beauty therapy too! Thank you for nominating me xx

    1. aw do we? :) aw which units have you completed? i just have makeup, brow/lash tints and lashes to do next and you're welcome! :) xx
