The Blogger Interview with Mascara & Malteasers

by - February 28, 2014

Image taken from WeHeartIt, then edited by me. 

Sorry for the late posts! I have been busy at college and then starting at a beauty salon and then receiving a iPad last night surprisingly so i have been fiddleing around with that haha! 

But the blogger interview is back! And today we have the wonderful Belle from Mascara and Maltesers

Let's begin the interview! 

Q1. Tell me a little bit about yourself and your blog

Firstly, thank you for taking the time to interview me, I am very excited to be featured on Shimmer Lashes! I am a 22 year old who is behind the blog Mascara & Maltesers. I am currently working full-time as a fashion model in London. I also do some studies, distance learning (at home!) and will (hopefully!) graduate this year with a Business Studies degree. However, my main passion, and fingers crossed, my future, is in the world of hair, makeup, and beauty and that is how my blog started. I just wanted my own little space on the internet to express thisinstead of constantly boring my mum with it.

Q2. How where you introduced into the world of blogging and who inspired you to create your own blog?

Well, it was a random thought one day after reading plenty of beauty blogs, I just thought 'I love makeup, and love writing so why not give it a go?!' I have never met anyone else who blogs, so every inspiration I have about blogging is purely from reading others. I didn't even know how to start a blog, I had to ask Google where to start!

Q3. If you could change one thing about your blog, what would it be and why?
My content, I would love to be able to blog about every single new item that comes out, unfortunately my budget doesn't allow me that one!

Q4. What is your favourite beauty product at the moment?

This has to be my Illamasqua Brow Cake, for so long I was trying to find a brow filler than matched, and suited my ash blonde hair. Well, I have now found it and completely love it. It has changed my entire makeup routine, not to mention my face!

Q5. What is your favourite makeup/skincare brand?

Oh gosh, tough one! I think I would go for Benefit though, their products are yet to disappoint me, and they are not too pricey like Chanel and YSL so I don't feel quite as guilty treating myself. Plus their packaging is so lovely and always looks good on my dressing table.

Q6. Would you ever consider creating a Youtube account for your blog?

Honestly, no. I just think it wouldn't suit my blog, plus I would never be brave enough! I have only just started watching some Vlogs, and I am still a bit undecided on the idea. I find it very Big Brother like to just watch peoples everyday lives. I just think who on earth would actually want to watch my life?! Bit of a strange concept!

Q7. Describe your blog in 3 words!

Honest, Personal & Fun...(hopefully!)

Q8. What tips or advice would you give to new bloggers?

I really don't think I qualify to give advice, but what I would say is make sure you start a blog as it is what you love, and do it just for yourself, anything else is an added bonus.

                     Q9. Where do you see yourself in 5 year’s time?

I can barely plan my life next week! But in an ideal world, I'll be about the modelling industry and moving up the career ladder. Plus, I wouldn't mind my own flat that is like the inside of a department store beauty hall!

                   Q10. What can readers expect from your blog in 2014?

Hopefully more exciting reviews, and a few more lifestyle-esque posts, and of course, many more mascara reviews!

Thank you for taking part Belle! If you want to hear more from Belle and her blog Mascara & Malteasers, then click on these links below: 

                        Blog -

                                  Twiter -

                                           Instagram - @Belle_2311 

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  1. These interviews are great!! :D

  2. Thank you so much for interviewing me Chloe! It looks great on your blog.

    Belle xxx
