The Blogger Interview with Thriftyskies

by - February 23, 2014

Image taken from weheartit then edited by me


Today's blogger interview is going to be with the lovely Chloe from thriftyskies

 Want to know more about Chloe, then carry on reading! 

Q1. Tell me a little bit about yourself and your blog
I'm Chloe and I'm a student and blogger from Birmingham. My blog consists mostly of spending bans (both ongoing and failed), drugstore makeup and other general discounts or bargains - being an unemployed student and having a love for makeup doesn't go together very well! There's also the odd lifestyle, fitness (ha, just joking!) and skincare post to be found every now and then too.

Q2. How where you introduced into the world of blogging and who inspired you to create your own blog?
The first time I realised that beauty blogging actually existed was a year or so ago when I was linked to Zoella's blog through her YouTube. I didn't actually decide to start a blog until about 6 months later - I'd always wanted to start YouTube although I didn't feel like the content I could produce would be very good, I felt nervous in front of the camera and the quality of my videos were terrible. I did know that I wanted to produce some form of content on the internet, and with a bit of encouragement from a friend who started at the same time as me, thriftyskies was born!

Q3. If you could change one thing about your blog, what would it be and why?
Hmm, I'd probably say my photos. I don't think they're the worst photos in the world but there's still definitely some room for improvement with the lighting and the general quality of them. At the moment I rely on the natural light and my parents old camera which runs out of battery all the time, so annoying!

Q4. What is your favourite beauty product at the moment?
Oooh this is really difficult! I'm steering clear of makeup for this one because I couldn't imagine my face with just one makeup product on, Imagine having filled in eyebrows with no foundation/mascara. Even the thought of my face has me laughing! I'd probably say the Effaclar Duo+. I'm working on a blog post about it at the moment and it really has helped to clear out blemishes on my face and remove my stubborn under the skin spots - even the ones that have been there for months on my chin. It definitely succeeds where most other blemish clearing products fail!

Q5. What is your favourite makeup/skincare brand?
The brand which I'm using most of at the moment is Maybelline. My favourite brand does alternate although I love the maybelline mascaras, foundation and I don't think the Baby Skin primer is as bad as it's considered to be. Had you asked me this a few months ago I would have said Bourjois, but after a bad run in with one of their mascaras (a complete waste of £9) it lost it's title as 'favourite brand', which was disappointing, as I do love a fair few of their cosmetics.

Q6. Would you ever consider creating a Youtube account for your blog?
Definitely! I think I touched on this earlier but at the moment I think I'd feel slightly on the uncomfortable side doing it. That said, I think my confidence has grown a lot since then and if/when I become happier with my content and filming equipment I'd definitely give it a shot. It doesn't help that I despise the sound of my own voice, but it's something I'll get over when I need to!

Q7. Describe your blog in 3 words!
makeup, beauty, FUN :D

Q8. What tips or advice would you give to new bloggers
If you want to start a blog but haven't, start now! I've seen a few people say 'oh I'll start in the new year' but it's so easy to put things off that sometimes, they won't even happen. Also don't be disappointed if you don't get the results/traffic you'd like to start with. It takes a while to build up an audience which is also why I think starting earlier is important - if you start a fortnight before the new year you could have an extra 10 followers by the time you originally said you'd start blogging! And of course, the one that is pretty much always said but also so true - just enjoy it!

Q9. Where do you see yourself in 5 year’s time?
Literally, I have no idea. Hopefully I'll have been to University, graduated and be in some form of employment yet. I'm not sure whether I want a job following my degree (Psychology) or something to do with Social Media/PR - I absolutely love the sound of both and I'm kind of happy that I don't have to make the decision yet. I also really hope that I'm still blogging - I can't even imagine what my blog will be like in five years time! Will beauty blogging even be a thing then?? I feel like everybody will have made the transition to YouTube, but I hope not!

Q10. What can readers expect from your blog in 2014?
Hopefully a lot more beauty posts - I'm trying a spending ban out right now so I'm not sure where the products are going to come from but we shall see! Probably pictures of used makeup (blogging sin #1 but at least you can tell I'm being honest, right?), lots of posts about making the most of your money and also about me trying to live a healthier lifestyle. I've also got a giveaway planned for when I reach 1000 followers which I'm so excited about - I've never hosted a giveaway before!

Want to hear more from Chloe and her blog, then clink on the links below! 

Twitter - @chloeintheskies

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