The Blogger Interview with Freshbeautyxox

by - February 21, 2014

Image taken from weheartit, then edited by me.

Hey everyone! 

It's time for round 2 of The Blogger Interview series. 

Today's interview is with the lovely blogger freshbeautyxox

Let's begin! 

Q1. Tell me a little bit about yourself and your blog

My name is Shona and I'm 16, my blog is focused on beauty, fashion and life in general. I've been blogging for over 2 years now and the focus has been on beauty for most of that time but over the past few months I've enjoyed doing more OOTDs and even a recipe post! There is a bit of everything on my blog and I think it represents me really well as I am passionate about everything I talk about.

Q2. How were you introduced into the world of blogging and who inspired you to create your own blog?
I actually started out on youtube and I found blogs through some of my favourite youtubers when they talked about them in their videos. No one in particular inspired me it was more of a collective inspiration!
Q3. If you could change one thing about your blog, what would it be and why?
I would definitely change my blog name! I made it 2 years ago now when I was a lot younger and really didn't see me sticking at blogging. I took my inspiration from the idea of natural makeup and then added the xox, I cringe every time someone says it, it sounds so childish (or I think so anyway!).
Q4. What is your favourite beauty product at the moment?
At the moment I am loving my L'Oreal Shine Splash In Lolita, it is so easy to wear and more long lasting that my other lip glosses. It seems to be a bit of love/hate product amongst bloggers but I adore it! 
Q5.  What is your favourite makeup/skincare brand?
This is such a tough question, I can't pick an overall favourite but one brand I am loving at the moment is Elemis, the Freshskin range in particular, it is doing wonders for my skin!
Q6. Would you ever consider creating a Youtube account for your blog?
 Like I said above I actually started on youtube and was on there for a year I think but I quit as I wasn't enjoying it any more and I wanted to focus on my blog. I did make a little comeback for maybe a month last year but I still wasn't loving it so I can't see me returning to youtube again.
Q7. Describe your blog in 3 words!
Honest, passionate and friendly!
Q8. What tips or advice would you give to new bloggers?
Stick at it! So many new bloggers want hundreds of followers the day they start but it does take time, 2 years on and I'm still a small fish in a big pond! If you love something you'll stick at it so find something you really love to write about.
Q9. Where do you see yourself in 5 year’s time?
I'll be 21 in 5 years time, I'd like to think I'd still be blogging when I'm 21, obviously I'd like to see my blog grow more. I'd also like to dabble in journalism a little, I've always had a passion for writing ever since I was younger so I'd like to take things further.
Q10. What can readers expect from your blog in 2014? 

More fashion and lifestyle posts! I'll of course still be doing lots of beauty posts but I want to start doing more OOTDs and recipe posts.

Thank you Shona for getting involved in this! 

If you want to hear more from Shona and her blog freshbeautyxox click on the links below. 

Twitter - @freshbeautyxox 

Thank you for reading! 

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